
Millennial Pedagogy

Page history last edited by Jeremy Brueck 15 years, 12 months ago



Integration Tips


Be Efficient


LOGO2.0 part I


  • Focus your time and energy on the devices that your students have access to and are using.
  • There is too much out there to use every web-based tool.
  • To avoid lost classtime, evaluate each web 2.0 tool before implementing.
  • Focus on the resources you have available and steer your professional growth in those areas.




Know Your Students


the items I carry version 2.0What's In My Bag! 11.04.08 II 30/365Daily College Bag New Notes


  • Know how many students have their own devices and the web apps they are using.
  • Use student surveys at the beginning of the year to gather email, IM and social networking data.
  • Take advantage of cell phones, don't bann them. Allow students to use them to collect data.
  • Find out what students want to know and harness their enthusiasm.




Communicate in Multiple Modes




  • Communicate with them through a variety of means AND allow them to communicate with each other similarly.
  • Synchronously - Face-to-face conversations, Skype, iChat, Adobe Connect, Elluminate, WebEx
  • Asynchronously - Blog comments, wikis, discussion boards, web forums, podcasts
  • Nearly Now - IM, text messaging, micromedia




Create a Rich and Stimulating Learning Environment


shooting in Battery ParkTablet PCs Techno-Café Durham University


  • Foster content development in students using social networks, blogs and wikis.
  • Encourage students to be communicaotrs through email, IM, text messaging and micromedia.
  • Focus learning on relationships, community, connectivity and access to information.
  • Take advantage of that "Nearly Now" time that students are interacting in to question, probe and enrich student thoughts.




Transform Teaching Practice


Editing a podcast with Audacity on a Smartboardkids & computersSmart Board Compare and Contrast


  • Take traditional pedagogy to web 2.0.
  • Design multidisciplinary instruction that enables students to call on:
    • their abilities of sysnthesis
    • their ability to work in teams
    • their ability to understand the context
    • their artistic and creative abilities
  • Make sure the work you ask students to do asks them to:
    • find information online
    • validate information they find online
    • synthesize and leverage the information they find online into something new
    • communicate new ideas and information
    • collaborate and problem-solve with new information


Cell Phones in the Classroom





Writing Exams


  • Create assessments that provide students with the opportunity to demonstrate mastery in different ways.
  • Provide choice to students in the way they wish to be assesssed.
  • Does this mean in every assignment? No.
  • Is there room for freedom for both teachers AND students? Yes.




Social Learning Absolutes


Online Safety

View more presentations or upload your own. (tags: online safety)
  • The online environment can not be adversarial.
  • It should not feel pressured.
  • Parent and teachers need to take steps to educate students about cyberbullying and how to prevent it.
  • More information and downloadable resources at http://mysafesurf.org

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